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How Una.Resin has lit the spark for Una Europa's R&I revolution

As Una Europa's flagship Horizon 2020-funded project, Una.Resin has laid the foundation for the alliance's shared research and innovation (R&I) ecosystem. Explore the project's outputs – the ‘sparks’ that have kindled Una Europa’s R&I revolution.

Setting academics up for success with researcher matchmaking

Work Package 1A: Una Europa Researcher Matchmaking Pilot

Through researcher matchmaking formats piloted under Una.Resin, Una Europa is supporting researchers to unlock our pan-European network of collaborators and research funding experts. We're equipping researchers with an intensive induction on applying for funding and the network they need to achieve success with their funding proposal.

Una Europa's R&I Strategy: Collaborating in research for the future

Work Package 1D: Research & Innovation Strategy

Building on the Strategic Pillar 'Powering the Research of the Future' in Una Europa's 2030 Strategy, the Research & Innovation Strategy delivered under Una.Resin identifies strategic action areas to promote collaborative interdisciplinary research: (i) Strengthening the Una Europa Focus Areas; (ii) Engaging researchers broadly; and (iii) Opening up research and data infrastructures.

Sharing infrastructures and resources (RIs) across the alliance

Work Package 2: Opening and Sharing RIs

Una.Resin has laid the building blocks of a barrier-free research ecosystem. By promoting community-building and laying the groundwork for a common catalogue of RIs, this pilot aims to ultimately equip researchers with unfettered access to the alliance’s rich store of research assets, unlocking Una Europa’s potential to drive innovation and impact.

Unlocking the power of cross-disciplinary collaboration with team science

Work Package 3A: Team Science

Through the work of Una.Resin, Una Europa is empowering researchers to embrace the benefits (and navigate the pitfalls) of team science. From overcoming cognitive bias in scientific collaboration to securing funding for team science projects, the Una Europa Pilot MOOC in Team Science equips researchers with the skills to collaborate effectively in cross-disciplinary teams.

Alessia Franchini (Work Package 2: Opening and Sharing RIs, Alma Mater di Studiorum - Università di Bologna) and Seth Amanfo (Una.Resin Senior Research Project Manager, University of Edinburgh) discuss Una.Resin outputs during the Una Europa General Assembly at Universiteit Leiden in June 2023.

Bridging the gap between science and society

Work Package 3C: Citizen Science

Una.Resin set out to inspire and support researchers to participate in citizen science – a powerful method for fostering closer connection between science and society. The Una Europa Citizen Science Toolkit supports researchers at all stages of their career to initiate and engage in citizen science. With insights from eight citizen science experts from Una Europa partner universities, the Toolkit offers a range of perspectives and expertise on various aspects of citizen science, from project design and funding to citizen engagement, and even long-term sustainability.

Spearheading a vision for research transferability

Work Package 3D: Una.Transfer Roadmap

Through the Una.Resin project, Una Europa has explored how we can connect alliance research groups with one another – and with wider society. Building on a foundation of fieldwork pursued at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, this pilot has conceptualised a platform that not only categories the alliance’s research groups, but the services they can offer industry and society.

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