Conservation in Conversation. Online Lecture
Event information
Date & location
From 10:00am
Virtual Event
Isidora Stankovic
Postdoc leader, Self-Steering Committee in Cultural Heritage
How to attend
Download the programmeTaking into account the current pandemic situation and the new travel regulations, the PhD Workshop in Cultural Heritage had to be postponed to Spring 2021 (dates to be confirmed).
However, given the main objective of the Workshop - to create a transnational community of young researchers in Cultural Heritage in the eight Una Europa universities and to offer a platform for academic discussions and exchange - it was decided to host a series of online events in the months to come.
The first online lecture held by Professor Noémie Etienne is entitled "Conservation in Conversation. Hybridity, Entanglement, and the Material Life of Things". It will be introduced by Professor Dominique Poulot.
How can we approach the material life of things through different time periods or continents? Is heritage hybrid by nature? In her lecture, Noémie Etienne will be exploring possible answers.
Noémie Etienne is professor of art history at the University of Bern and a specialist in the fields of heritage and museum studies. She is currently leading a research project on the exotic in Europe between 1600 and 1800. Her most recent book is entitled: “Les autres et les ancêtres. Les dioramas de Franz Boas et Arthur Parker à New York, 1900” (Les presses du réel, 2020). Her first book, The Restoration of Paintings in Paris (1750-1815) was published in 2012 (Presses Universitaires de Rennes), and subsequently translated into English and published by Getty Publications in 2017. She is also starting a new research project entitled “Global Histories of Conservation”.
Dominique Poulot is professor of cultural history of art at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne where he created the first French MA “Politics and History of Museums and Heritage”. He is on the board of Museum & Society, Future Anterior, co-editor in chief of Culture & Musées (OpenEdition) and member of the Scientific Council of Louvre.