One Health webinar: Vaccinations for One Health
Event information
Date & location
From 2:00pm to 5:00pm CET
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. The approach mobilises multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health of human, animals and ecosystems.
This webinar sets out to explore the connection between a One Health approach and the vaccination world. With a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach, international speakers will delve into different topics – such as vaccination hesitancy and inclusiveness, virology and vaccine development, human and animal vaccines, public health, science communication on RNA vaccines, and many others.

Championing multilingualism
Although the communication and materials of this event are in the English language, the webinar will be broadcast in five languages. Select from the options below to view the webinar in your language of choice:
Organised in partnership with MSD.
- 14:00 Opening words from Professor Alessandra Scagliarini, Università di Bologna and Paolo Sani, Executive Director MSD Animal Health
- 14:10 Introduction from Professor Tarja Sironen, Helsingin yliopisto/ Helsingfors universitet
- 14:20 Vaccination hesitancy and inclusiveness with Professor Davide Gori, Università di Bologna
- 14:35 Towards easy to produce and highly thermostable vaccines against yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, rabies and other viral pathogens with Professor Johan Neyts, KU Leuven
- 14:50 Addressing old and new public health threats using the Plasmid-Launched Live-Attenuated Vaccine (PLLAV) platform with Professor Kai Dallmeier, KU Leuven
- 15:05 One Health aspects of veterinary vaccines with Dr. Ruud Segers, Associate Vice President Biological R&D, MSD Animal Health
- 15:20 Q&A followed by a short break
- 15:45 Vaccine hesitancy - not only a problem of the individual - The importance of understanding the context for public and patient involvement decision-making with Professor Thilo Kroll, University College Dublin
- 16:00 Communicating about vaccines: popularizing vaccine immunology by comic strips with Senior Lecturer Mikael Niku, Helsingin yliopisto/ Helsingfors universitet
- 16:10 Vaccines as a tool to reduce antimicrobial resistance: Focus on pneumococcal vaccines with PharmD Kenneth Klinker, Senior Director Global Medical Affairs for Pneumococcal Vaccines, MSD Human Health
- 16:25 Roundtable discussion with Tarja Sironen and all speakers, including interaction with the audience