Summer School
Una Europa Summer School 2024: Sustainability in communication and education
Event information
Date & location
Università di Bologna Department of Education in Bologna, Italy
About the Summer School venueContact
Stefano Piastra
Professor Department of Education Studies, Università di Bologna
Interested? Apply today!
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Join us from 1-5 July for the Una Europa Summer School Sustainability in communication and education! This exciting learning opportunity is hosted by Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna and aims to engage and involve doctoral researchers from different countries and scientific backgrounds in a dialogue around sustainability in communication and education.
This Una Europa Summer School will take a transdisciplinary approach to sustainability in communication and education and focus on developing soft skills through lectures, workshops and field trips guided by academics from across Una Europa. The Summer School aims to equip participants with a critical, theoretical framework to address the concept of sustainability and the development of strategies and capabilities related to sustainability education and communication.
The Summer School is open to doctoral researchers currently enrolled at the following Una Europa universities:
The Summer School at a glance
- 3 ECTS provided
- No registration fees. Organisers will cover coffee breaks, lunches, materials, and the bus for the excursion
- Erasmus -Scholarship granted by the sending institution for PhDs from Freie Universität Berlin, KU Leuven, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University College Dublin, University of Helsinki (no scholarship for PhDs of the University of Bologna)
- Unique chance to build a network among international PhD students interested in sustainability
- Theoretical and methodological approaches
- Lectures, workshops and field trips
How do I apply?
Submit your application by sending a motivation letter and your CV to your institutional contact for Una Europa's Sustainability Focus Area.
The motivation letter should by up to 400 words and include your full name, research topic, university affiliation and full contact details.
Institutional contacts:
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid: bips@ucm.es; Álvaro Ramírez García, aramirez@bio.ucm.es
- Helsingin yliopisto/ Helsingfors universitet: Silvia Gaiani, silvia.gaiani@helsinki.fi
- KU Leuven: doctoralschoolhss@kuleuven.be
- Freie Universität Berlin: unaeuropa@zedat.fu-berlin.de
- University College Dublin: Enda Murphy, enda.murphy@ucd.ie
- Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologn: Elisa Cappuccio, elisa.cappuccio3@unibo.it
Key dates
Different partner universities may have different deadlines for closing registrations. We recommend reaching out to the designated contact person at your university for clarification.
Successful candidates will receive acceptance confirmation from Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna after 30 April 2024.

This initiative was created as part of Una Europa’s Focus Area in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and is part of the educational and research joint programmes of the Una.Futura project.