Summer School
Una Europa Summer School 2025 for doctoral researchers: Sustainable Food Systems
Event information
Date & location
Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet
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Interested? Submit your applications by 3 March!
The Una Europa Summer School on Sustainable Food Systems will engage doctoral researchers in an open and stimulating environment to tackle some of the main challenges connected to the sustainability transition of the global and national food systems. This Summer School is open to doctoral researchers currently enrolled at an Una Europa university.
Check out this opportunity to dive deep into sustainable food systems and protein transition, connect with doctoral researchers and established academics from across Una Europa, and develop more transdisciplinary knowledge that could significantly contribute to your research.
Food systems are complex webs of activity involving food production, processing, transport, and consumption. Issues concerning food systems include the governance and economics of food production, the sustainability of the processes involved, the degree to which we waste food, how food production affects the natural environment, and the impact of food on individual and population health.
The Summer School will tackle these topics using a systematic and transdisciplinary approach including challenge-based learning, participatory laboratories, case studies analysis and a field trip.
The Summer School focuses specifically on protein transition, a trend that aims to rebalance protein intake between animal and alternative proteins. Protein transition is currently central in scientific and policy discussions on food system transformation.
Why should I apply to this Summer School?
During the Una Europa Summer School on Sustainable Food Systems you will:
- Be proactive actor of change
- Equip yourself with skills and competences to identify key challenges and diverse solutions to protein transition
- Enhance your presentation and communication skills
- Enlarge your professional international network
Doctoral researchers are expected to be active participants by contributing to the programme with insights from their studies and research.
What can I expect from the Summer School?
The Summer School will be held on-site at Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet in Helsinki, Finland from the 2–6 June 2025.
The course will feature an online pre-meeting in May, a 5-day intensive course in Helsinki, and a conclusive online meeting for feedback on the learning milestones achieved during the summer school. After successfully completing the course, students will earn 3 ECTS.
Beyond the academic agenda, participants can look forward to social activities and a field trip to a local organic farm.
What is the cost of the Summer School?
There is no tuition fee for participants. Each participant is responsible for organising and financing their own accommodation for the duration of the five-day in-person programme at Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet.
At most Una Europa partner universities, doctoral researchers can apply for Erasmus+ funding for Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) from their own university. Please note that the availability of funding depends on your home university. They will advise you on the availability and format of funding. Please contact your university’s institutional contact at the list below for more information on funding options.
List of institutional contact points for questions on funding to participate in the Summer School.
Please note: Erasmus+ funding for BIP mobility is not available for doctoral researchers from KU Leuven. Doctoral researchers from Edinburgh and Zürich are not eligible for Erasmus+ funding but may receive alternative funding from their home university.
Am I eligible to take part?
Doctoral researchers at Una Europa universities coming from diverse disciplines are welcome to apply. Applicants should possess basic knowledge of food systems and an interest in alternative proteins and protein transition research.
How do I apply?
Submit your application by completing the application form by 3 March 2025.
In the application form, you are asked to upload CV and motivation letter (either as separate or as combined file, max. 3 pages). The motivation letter should be up to 400 words and include your full name, research topic, university affiliation and full contact details.
Successful candidates will be notified by the end of March. Selected participants will receive instructions about practical issues such as tips on where to book accommodation in late March.
- For questions related to the content of the course, please contact the academic coordinator Silvia Gaiani (silvia.gaiani@helsinki.fi).
- For questions related to grant and funding options available, contact your university's contact point from this list.
- For questions about host university signatures on your mobility documents after your home university has granted you funding, contact University of Helsinki International Exchange Services (studentexchange@helsinki.fi).

This initiative was created as part of Una Europa’s Focus Area in Sustainability and is part of the educational and research joint programmes of the Una.Futura project.