Seed Funding
Una Europa launches regular calls for applications for seed funding. The aim of the seed funding initiative is to support the initiation of long-term collaborative activities among the broad academic community across the partner universities. The idea is to "plant a seed" that can eventually attract external funding.
Examples of seed-funded initiatives include, but are not limited to:
- organising joint workshops or seminars;
- preparing joint formats for education or research.
The criteria for eligibility, evaluation and funding are defined in the call text. As a rule of thumb, the following applies:
- the scheme is open to all academic disciplines;
- the project must be coordinated by senior academic staff from one Una Europa university and involve senior academic staff from at least one additional Una Europa university;
- third parties are able to participate in the proposed activities; however, this will be at their own cost;
- the seed funding should not duplicate funding that is otherwise available.
A selection committee consisting of members of staff from each Una Europa university is responsible for ranking proposals for funding on a competitive basis.
Una Europa Seed Funding Call 2024
With a strong emphasis on empowering early-career researchers, the Una Europa Seed Funding Call 2024 supports academics from our 11 partner universities to pursue a collaborative research, education or outreach project with counterparts across the alliance.
Browse all seed-funded projects
Since its launch in 2019, the Una Europa Seed Funding initiative has held an annual call for proposals, plus a special DIGITALIZED! edition in collaboration with NAWA, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. Over 30 projects have successfully 'planted a seed' so far, all of which you can learn more about in our Database of Seed-Funded Projects.
Contact information
Seed Funding
Email: seedfunding@una-europa.eu