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Lifelong Learning Certificate in Data Science: From data to decision

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Why choose us

From Data to Decision: a pilot project of the Una Europa Alliance. The first international and multidisciplinary Lifelong Learning Certificate in Data Science.

Improvement and updating: the keys to a successful professional profile

With a flexible and versatile educational formula the Lifelong Learning Certificate allows you to acquire and train your skills, and to develop expertise.

The course is especially designed for businesses and workers that wish to invest in Data Science, integrating the knowledge and competencies specific to their industry with those linked to the interpretation of data. The proposed teaching formula is designed to enable those who work to participate, guaranteeing them an international environment within which they can expand and strengthen their professional networks.

During the programme, through the use of innovative methods, it will be possible to:

  • Develop the specific skills needed by highly specialised, high-level professionals.
  • Update the knowledge already gained through previous work and education.

A Genuinely Non-Technical Approach

Upskill the European workforce across different sectors to produce socioeconomic value

We introduce professionals to fundamentals of data science in a non - technical way, providing them with the skills to understand the importance of data-driven decision making to influence the ways in which data is used into organisations, and interact with technical data science teams.

Focusing less on technical skills and more on helping professionals, we develop an ability to "work with data science and data scientists" rather than "do" data science - this will require a genuinely "open" approach to students' disciplinary backgrounds.

Versatile, International, Interactive

Thanks to a teaching staff made up of international experts, we have created an environment of cultural cross-contamination, where you can acquire an approach that can be reapplied in any sector. The unity of purpose of 5 leading universities has led to the creation of a curriculum which pays particular attention to the development and refreshing of skills which are relevant to various applications.

Accompanied step-by-step, participants will receive the support of a tutor during the distance-learning modules. During the face-to-face part of the course, they will experience an environment full of ideas and conducive to knowledge-swapping.

Characteristics such as:

  • Professors from 5 different countries
  • Blended face-to-face and distance learning
  • Opportunities to expand your network at an international level
  • Interdisciplinary and international coworking activities on cross-cutting themes
  • Promote a perfect hybridisation, constituting our edge compared to traditional training courses.
  • A completely new formula, currently being introduced in the international landscape, which aims at giving fresh impetus to the educational sector.

" The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled "


Data Science: the science of the future?

We collect, select, transform, interpret, and present data to develop successful business strategies

Give voice to the value hidden in data. Why look for experts in new technologies from outside, when any one of us can already break the mould?

Where companies aren’t able to find suitable candidates on the market, they turn to internal training: focusing on advanced training courses lets them satisfy in-house the growing demand for industry know-how.

Investing in their own employees means combining their experience with innovation, applying new approaches and methods which can boost the efficiency of everyday activities.

" Torture numbers, and they’ll confess to anything "

G. Eastbrook

Boost your talents

Stay on the cutting edge, open up to new solutions! From unconventional reasoning to revolutionary business strategies

Keeping up with the times: an added value to make you more competitive on the market.

  • Create multidisciplinary figures who think outside the box to keep up with the technological transformation
  • Nurture in-house talents who will drive your business to create a competitive advantage in several sectors
  • Invest in international education to enhance your employees’ skills related to the collection, interpretation, and transformation of data
  • Enhance your team’s skills and motivation
  • Increase productivity
  • Develop your problem-solving capacity
  • Make your business more organised
  • Improve the communication skills of individuals and your team
  • Make your employees feel like an integral part of your system

" Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success "

Henry Ford