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Lifelong Learning Certificate in Data Science: From data to decision

Co-developed by

Course requirements, admission and tuition fees

Admission requirements

You can enrol if you have:

  • a Bachelor's degree or a Secondary School Diploma with at least 3 years of work experience
  • a self-certification of a B2 English level

Tuition fees

  • The Course has an enrolment fee of €1000 to be paid in a single instalment at the time of registration
  • The cost of enrolment to the Programme may be borne by third parties (public institutions, businesses etc). In this case, please contact prior to the selection procedure in order to obtain the format of nominal letter of intent and then send it filled in and signed by third parties to (ccing Ufficio Master

How to apply and enrol

The deadline for registrations is 30 September 2024

Please find all the information on how to enrol in the Bando (Call for applications) and the file attached (Allegati) at this page. You will find all the steps you need to follow for a successful application!

For administrative information, please contact the Ufficio Master

For scientific and teaching information, write to