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Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage

Co-developed by

  • UP1 updated logo 2024

Join our Una Europa interdisciplinary and transnational ecosystem in Cultural Heritage! Become a part of Una-Her-Doc, a unique European doctoral programme in Cultural Heritage, offered and created by nine Una Europa universities. Follow high-quality, innovative and customizable educational materials. Collaborate with numerous renowned Cultural Heritage academics and professionals. Participate in one of international cohorts of doctoral candidates and in one of Una Europa's transnational research teams in Cultural Heritage. Develop your profile for working in a European and international environment in relation to Cultural Heritage.

Why Choose Una Europa's Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage?

With our Una Europa Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage, we aim to go beyond previously tested models for European joint doctoral programmes. Our Doctorate piloted in the field of Cultural Heritage is

  • a joint/double European doctoral title recognized widely;
  • based on mandatory supervision of the doctoral candidate by professors from two Una Europa partner universities;
  • featuring obligatory stays at several Una Europa partners;
  • including jointly created contents for both academic and soft (transversal) skills development;
  • administered by joint structures for admission, selection, supervision and assessment.

Una-Her-Doc Information Webinars 2021 & 2022

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